


Source File:


Installs represent a desired installation of a supported mesh. Supergloo watches for installs and synchronizes the managed installations with the desired configuration in the install object.

Updating the configuration of an install object will cause supergloo to modify the corresponding mesh.

"disabled": bool
"installationNamespace": string
Field Type Description Default
status Status indicates the validation status of this resource. Status is read-only by clients, and set by supergloo during validation
metadata Metadata contains the object metadata for this resource
disabled bool disables this install setting this to true will cause supergloo not to install this mesh, or uninstall an active install
mesh service mesh
ingress ingress
installationNamespace string which namespace to install to


Generic container for mesh installs handled by supergloo

Holds all configuration shared between different mesh types

Field Type Description Default
istio install istio
linkerd install linkerd


Installation options for Istio

"version": string
"enableAutoInject": bool
"enableMtls": bool
"installGrafana": bool
"installPrometheus": bool
"installJaeger": bool
"enableIngress": bool
"enableEgress": bool
Field Type Description Default
version string which version of the istio helm chart to install
enableAutoInject bool enable auto injection of pods
enableMtls bool enable mutual tls between pods
customRootCert optional. set to use a custom root ca to issue certificates for mtls ignored if mtls is disabled
installGrafana bool install grafana with istio
installPrometheus bool install prometheus with istio
installJaeger bool install jaeger with istio
enableIngress bool enable ingress gateway
enableEgress bool enable egress gateway


Installation options for Linkerd

"version": string
"enableAutoInject": bool
"enableMtls": bool
Field Type Description Default
version string which version of the Linkerd helm chart to install
enableAutoInject bool enable auto injection of pods
enableMtls bool enable mutual tls between pods


Generic container for ingress installs handled by supergloo

Holds all configuration shared between different ingress types

Field Type Description Default
gloo gloo
installedIngress reference to the Ingress crd that was created from this install read-only, set by the server after successful installation.


Installation options for Gloo Ingress

"version": string
"meshes": []
Field Type Description Default
version string which version of the gloo helm chart to install ignored if using custom helm chart
meshes [] reference to the Mesh(s) that this ingress is acting upon