


Source File:


Service spec describing GRPC upstreams. This will usually be filled automatically via function discovery (if the upstream supports reflection). If your upstream service is a GRPC service, use this service spec (an empty spec is fine), to make sure that traffic to it is routed with http2.

"descriptors": bytes
"grpcServices": []
Field Type Description Default
descriptors bytes Descriptors that contain information of the services listed below. this is a serialized google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet
grpcServices [] List of services used by this upstream. For a grpc upstream where you don’t need to use Gloo’s function routing, this can be an empty list. These services must be present in the descriptors.


Describes a grpc service

"packageName": string
"serviceName": string
"functionNames": []string
Field Type Description Default
packageName string The package of this service.
serviceName string The service name of this service.
functionNames []string The functions available in this service.


This is only for upstream with Grpc service spec.

"package": string
"service": string
"function": string
Field Type Description Default
package string The proto package of the function.
service string The name of the service of the function.
function string The name of the function.
parameters Parameters describe how to extract the function parameters from the request.