


Source File:


Upstream Spec for AWS Lambda Upstreams AWS Upstreams represent a collection of Lambda Functions for a particular AWS Account (IAM Role or User account) in a particular region

"region": string
"lambdaFunctions": []
Field Type Description Default
region string The AWS Region where the desired Lambda Functions exxist
secretRef A Gloo Secret Ref to an AWS Secret AWS Secrets can be created with glooctl secret create aws ... If the secret is created manually, it must conform to the following structure: access_key: <aws access key> secret_key: <aws secret key>
lambdaFunctions [] The list of Lambda Functions contained within this region. This list will be automatically populated by Gloo if discovery is enabled for AWS Lambda Functions


Each Lambda Function Spec contains data necessary for Gloo to invoke Lambda functions: - name of the function - qualifier for the function

"logicalName": string
"lambdaFunctionName": string
"qualifier": string
Field Type Description Default
logicalName string the logical name gloo should associate with this function. if left empty, it will default to lambda_function_name+qualifier
lambdaFunctionName string The Name of the Lambda Function as it appears in the AWS Lambda Portal
qualifier string The Qualifier for the Lambda Function. Qualifiers act as a kind of version for Lambda Functions. See for more info.


Each Lambda Function Spec contains data necessary for Gloo to invoke Lambda functions

"logicalName": string
"responseTransformation": bool
Field Type Description Default
logicalName string The Logical Name of the LambdaFunctionSpec to be invoked.
invocationStyle Can be either Sync or Async.
responseTransformation bool de-jsonify response bodies returned from aws lambda


Name Description